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Get Involved.


What our staff say?

More than 80% of staff stated they would suggest National Neuro Center to others as a place to work, putting the center far ahead of similar health care providers.

When asked if they would suggest the center as a location to obtain care, 95 percent of the NNC's personnel said they would, putting the NNC in the top tier of Kathmandu's medical institutions providing neurological care.

Get Invilved Anil_edited.jpg

I have been woking in NNC for past 1 year. I love working in this organization as I see positive changes within myself not only as a medical professional but also as a good human being.

The team is great and I am proud to be a part of this spectacular team! 

Anil K Chaurasiya

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©2019 by LINKS Neurosciences and Multispeciality Center I National Neuro Center I Chakrapath I Maharajgunj Rd I Kathmandu 44600 I +977-9851222069 I +977-1-4720502 I I Designed by Dr LJ Thapa

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